About Emily Hazel

Founder of FEMPIRE Formula, Speaker, doTERRA Leader

Emily Hazel is a disruptive force and multi-disciplinarian creator, consultant and coach. An entrepreneur since 2016, she’s personally mentored hundreds in brand identity, emotional healing and business and facilitated women retreats around the globe.

She’s an authority in Feminine Discipline, 2 x boxing fight winner, mouthpiece of The Survive Saturn Return Podcast.

A new leader in doTERRA and already boasting a thriving team, she’s committed to becoming a MetaPWR Millionaire through her passion for empowering men to optimise their peak performance so they can be the best fathers, brothers, friends + partners, they can be.

Emily is fiercely devoted to visioneering generations of aggressively ambitious women that effectively harness their intuitive, energetic superpowers with a healthy dose of discipline + grit, helping them out of the self-help suckhole: to heal from healing and decondition the manifestation myths that keep them confused + avoiding effort.